Monday, January 19, 2009

Burning Light––cover finished!

It's SO finished, in fact, that it's up for sale already! I even have my very own copy sitting neatly on my shelf, next to the first book in the trilogy, Worlds Unseen. :) Be jealous...

Burning Light is the second book of the Seventh World Trilogy, written by my ever-so-talented sister, Rachel. You simply must read her work! It's unbelievable. My blog-writing skills could definitely learn a thing or two. Here's her website where you can find the skinny on everything you could possibly want to know:

Anyhow, I guess this is my first official post on this blog! I used to keep somewhat up-to-date on my artistic projects on Xanga (look for me..., but I have since fallen away from blogging in a BIG way... I've been reinspired to get back at it though, so here I am. Hopefully this time it will stick.

So to start us off, here's a few photos/images of the Burning Light cover progress.

From original rough concept to finished cover:

Rough character sketch of Nicolas:

In process, painting... (very bad quality photo, taken with a cell phone. :P )

Various stages of the cover painting. If you're wondering why there seems to be a bit of rough patchiness goin' on in the center, it's because I had to scan it in four separate pieces and merge them together, and unfortunately, I didn't have time to do a good merge job on these unfinished pieces.

And finally, the finished wraparound! It's always exciting to see the book in printed form, looking all official and stuff. :) Of course, you still haven't seen it that way... so go order it! ;)


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