Saturday, March 7, 2009

Yellow Elephants, Oh My!

I've been working away at the illustration project from my last post, but continually being interrupted by... yellow elephants.

Well, I guess it's not fair to say I'm being interrupted by them... I work for my uncle's inflatable company during the day, so it IS my job. :)

Last week was spent designing floats for the College Football Hall of Fame parade, and then I spent a couple of days airbrushing this yellow elephant for another company's outdoor advertising. (I think. Truth be told, I have no idea what they were using this for.) The end product also had a blanket over it's back with the company's logo and slogan, so it looked pretty good!

Here's the before and after (by the way, excuse the bad photos... they were taken on my cell phone :P):



So that's all, folks!


TatteredSpinner March 9, 2009 at 7:37 PM  

Those are so cool! I love elephants.

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